Paz Arancibia Roman

Paz Arancibia Roman

ILO Regional Specialist in Gender Equality and Non-discrimination for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Paz Arancibia is the ILO Regional Specialist in Gender Equality and Non-discrimination for Latin America and the Caribbean. Paz was Former Advisor to the Spanish Minister of Employment, Social Security and Migration (2018-2020). Accountable for more than 20 years of country expertise and policy advice for various UN agencies (ILO, UNDP, UNIDO, UNOPS), Governments, Employers and Civil Society organisations with experience in Europe, the Maghreb region, Western Africa and Latin America.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, Public Administration and Sociology-UCM (Spain) & Master’s degree in Governance at the University of Sussex (UK) & Executive Professional Certificate on Leadership
& Social Innovation from ESADE Business School & on Design Thinking from the Sloan School of Management – MIT.

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